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Reps Logger | Workout Generator and Tracker

Reps Logger | Workout Generator and Tracker

A full-stack MERN(MongoDB, Express, React, Node) project built that allows users to connect to a database to store workouts, which can then be viewed later. There is an additional feature to allow users to generate custom workouts based on multiple different user options/inputs. The info for the exercises is pulled from the ExerciseDB API, and the custom algorithm chooses the exercises, tempo, and rep ranges based on user selections.

MongoDBReact JSExpressNodeTailwindCSSExerciseDB API
Shoes In Stock | E-Commerce Store

Shoes In Stock | E-Commerce Store

I began the project by creating a create-next-app, installing TailwindCSS, and then configuring custom settings for Tailwind in the config file. I built out some of the simple parts of the website first such as the navbar and a basic card element to test the connection to the Stripe backend. I used a handler function to pull in the Stripe API and display products and checkout IDs to match. I set up the different routes for checkout success/failure and made sure the products were displaying correctly. After that point where the main functionality of the store was working, I began styling the home page first, and the products, about, and contact pages afterward.

HTMLTailwindCSSNext JSStripe Backend
Free Gamer | Free PC and Web Games

Free Gamer | Free PC and Web Games

The Free Gamer App was built with Gatsby JS, GraphQL, and Freetogame API to supply the data. I built out the app originally with source graph ql to source the API information and develop the nodes to build queries from. I eventually built the sourceNodes myself for the application, so that it would have success through all of the build process. The user can scan through nearly 400 free games, in plenty of different genres, which can be explored on the app.

htmlcssjavascriptReact JSGatsby JSGraphQLStyled ComponentsFreetogame API
Meals 2 U | Food Delivery Application

Meals 2 U | Food Delivery Application

A food delivery app built with HTML, CSS, Javascript, React JS, Styled-Components, and React Router DOM for page-routing. The mobile-responsive design was a priority and was implemented through media queries. The code was broken down into many individual components for reusability. I decided to style with Styled-Components to keep the CSS tied to the component within the same file for an organized code base.

htmlcssjavascriptreact jsreact-router-domstyled components
Modern Styles | Clothing E-Commerce

Modern Styles | Clothing E-Commerce

An e-commerce store for people who want to buy fashionable clothes online. It was built with Gatsby JS and GraphQL queries, which pulled data from Contentful content management system. Gatsby images and static images were used to reduce loading time. An SEO helmet component was setup to wrap all pages with appropriate terms. The user has the ability to view different categories of clothes as well as individual items on their own page.

htmlcssjavascriptreact jsgatsby jsgraphqlcontentful cms
Method of Loci | Memory Game

Method of Loci | Memory Game

I had been practicing building up memory through method of loci technique, which involves building a story about the subjects I was trying to memorize. I was using a deck of cards online and a note editor to practice, so I built out an app to do it all on one user interface, that will store the data you submit and read it back to you before taking the memory test.

HTMLCSSSass PreprocessorJavascript

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